I think I've told about 50 people how to find the bathroom today and maybe 35 people how to find the Enwave Theatre. I've been told that the gardens outside have tent caterpillars in them (I don't know why the hell I should care) and that the curator of this art gallery is "forgettable" and the work put on display within the past 7 years has been bad. Yesterday a man talked to me for 15 minutes about the benefits of tai chi. I had to tell two poorly dressed tourists that no they could not eat their ice cream cones in the gallery, at which point they stormed off pushing over a small child...seriously. Sigh, someone just spilled blue Gatorade all over the floor.
"What is this place?" said in a southern drawl upon walking into the space and looking around confused. I should also add that the man who asked me this question was wearing a tye dyed shirt with a triceratops on it
"I thought I had to turn the crank to start the art, like at the science centre" said to me after I told a woman not to touch a sculpture
Maybe I'll make a hand out or publish a book for gallery/museum etiquette.....I'll make millions