So I've decided to post on and off for the rest of the summer using my boyfriend's computer. There is something very strange about using someone else's computer as you never want to open the wrong (read: possibly secret) file or there's always that terror of stumbling up on something you never wanted to know about someone with just a few clicks of a mouse. My computer (R.I.P) was like my child, my smarter and better looking child. Fortunately I recovered everything off the hard drive this time before it died and I'm saving up the cash to buy a desktop. My expensive Powerbook G4 that only lasted me 5 years is now a very shiny, overpriced paperweight.
Kyle and I moved into a new place on July 1st and although it's a bit smaller than where we last lived there are many good things about our new location:
- no more fighting landlords screaming at each other one floor above us at 7am!
- cheaper rent! (we're talking $550/month cheaper)
- more sunlight!
- closer to coffee, beer and markets!
The move has inspired me to learn how to cook which I think will be an important skill come fall when I'm broke, in school and hungry. Right now I'm attempting "Sprouted Quinoa Salad". I'm also going to begin crocheting a big blanket later this summer along with some other projects I've been putting off for awhile.
Maybe I'll evern start posting pictures and stuff on a regular basis again...