I used to live on D'Arcy Street in Toronto. During school I lived on my own this a nice little attic where I had two rooms and I shared the kitchen and bathroom with two other nice people. One day my landlord decided to become a total jerk (well he was already an jerk to begin with but he began to show his true colours) and him and his crazy-ass wife, excuse me, "life partner" decided to raise my rent by over $100. They started leaving me horrible little notes around the house written in red pen, all in capitals and with double underlined words for emphasis and then they got upset when I responded to these notes by writing them back in red ink and all in capitals. One day I was getting dressed after taking a shower when the landlord knocked on my door. I told him to hold on a minute and before I knew it he had burst through the door and was stomping upstairs where I stood completely naked. I ran for my bed and wrapped myself up in my duvet just in time for him to come into my room and start calling me a "selfish asshole". I don't know how but I really pissed this guy off and I was one second away from calling the police (I had grabbed my phone just as I wrapped myself up in my blanket). So he flipped out on me and I told him I'd be leaving at the end of the month if he wanted to treat me like this and raise my rent illegally.
Desperate for a place to live I ended up moving in literally across the street and into my friend's old room temporarily. It was horrible. I had two rooms but they were separate and the big old house never really felt like home. One day I was getting ready for work when I looked outside and saw a big van pull up across the street. It was then that I remembered one of the guys in the house saying that the band 30 Seconds to Mars was doing a photoshoot on our front porch that day. I've never heard them and I'm sure they are horrible but I know that Jared Leto is a celebrity/babe so I busted out my digital camera to prove that he ate lunch in front of my house. Well he actually ate lunch in font of my old house but whatever. The best part about all of this was after they left their lunch/photoshoot they also left behind all their garbage (take out containers, water bottles and cigarette packages). How nice of them!
The PT Cruiser is the best part. What cunts.
look at his hair.
and he is a litterbug.
and is smokes.
and he drinks water out of bottles.
and he i am pretty sure he is what marshall said up there.
i can tell.
mars volta blows.
also, barry smith can suck my nonexistent cock.
or jared leto can blow barry smith.
i don't know what i'm saying.
rachel probably got me drunk.
i miss you!
It's 30 Seconds to Mars
not Mars Volta. Jared doesn't smoke but his crew does
You are so so right anonymous person the band is not 'mars volta' but is infact '30 seconds to mars' my mistake! But I'm still unimpressed with him and his band leaving styrofoam plates, plastic bottles and cutlery all over my front lawn. I'll get over it though.
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