15 September 2010

Ice Cream Situations

I have taken very few pictures in the last week and I hope to remedy this soon and have a few to post up here ASAP. I've caught a ride back to Toronto this weekend so I'm super pumped to see a few shows on Queen street and drink some decent coffees. I have also done very little baking since coming to Rochester and I hope to fix that problem in the coming weeks. I've had my eye on Momofuku's "Crack Pie" for quite awhile but the name implies it's deliciousness and I don't want to eat a whole pie. Perhaps I will organize some sort of dinner party at my place so I can share the calories of my baked goods with other people.

One thing I truly love about the States so far is the price of ice cream. Pints of Ben and Jerry's cost $2.99! I can afford to have ice cream for dinner at that price. I bought my first pint last night at the grocery store but I played it safe and opted for "Half Baked" frozen yogurt. Now I can just eat more without feeling so disgusting.

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