Going out for sushi in Rochester tonight, this should be interesting. Right now I'm attempting to write a paper that is due at 4pm tomorrow but I've resorted to looking up winter coats online. I think I'm going to go with this North Face jacket although I'm not convinced it's a great choice for a winter coat.
Is blue a good idea? Should I got with good ol' black? So many questions and absolutely NO paper writing getting done! I told myself I'd buy a Canada Goose jacket this year but I think I'll have to put that purchase off until I am actually getting paid instead of living off student loans, scholarships and whatever cash I can scrape together. On that note, I posted things on my etsy again. I'm sure I mentioned this in my last post and I really need to find some more stuff to put up there. Maybe I'll hit up the antique shop tomorrow after I hand in this paper...
On to another topic of interest. I made soup last night (Thai Chicken and Vegetable Soup to be exact) it was delicious and I ate 2 bowls last night and just heated up the rest for lunch to find a whole bunch of bugs floating around in it. They must have been in my broccoli or something, even though I washed it. I tried to pick the majority of those bad boys out but I was afraid to eat more so I just ended up trashing the rest of the soup. I ate all the chicken though, can't let that stuff go to waste! Hopefully sushi tonight will have less bugs involved.
Is blue a good idea? Should I got with good ol' black? So many questions and absolutely NO paper writing getting done! I told myself I'd buy a Canada Goose jacket this year but I think I'll have to put that purchase off until I am actually getting paid instead of living off student loans, scholarships and whatever cash I can scrape together. On that note, I posted things on my etsy again. I'm sure I mentioned this in my last post and I really need to find some more stuff to put up there. Maybe I'll hit up the antique shop tomorrow after I hand in this paper...
On to another topic of interest. I made soup last night (Thai Chicken and Vegetable Soup to be exact) it was delicious and I ate 2 bowls last night and just heated up the rest for lunch to find a whole bunch of bugs floating around in it. They must have been in my broccoli or something, even though I washed it. I tried to pick the majority of those bad boys out but I was afraid to eat more so I just ended up trashing the rest of the soup. I ate all the chicken though, can't let that stuff go to waste! Hopefully sushi tonight will have less bugs involved.
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