17 October 2010

Donate that shit!

All through middle school, high school and for the first few years of my undergrad I had really short hair that I dyed a whole bunch of weird colours and cut by myself over the bathroom sink. After discovering free haircuts at Aveda Salon in Toronto I decided to try it out and got the worst haircut ever, seriously I had a crew cut when I walked out of there. After that I cut my hair on my own a few more times and then decided to just grow it out and see how long hair would treat me. It was almost down to my waist last week when I hacked it all off, braided it and threw it in an envelope to go to a children's charity that makes wigs for kids with cancer. Now I can put on my purse without getting my hair caught in the strap, showers take a lot less time, water and shampoo, and I don't wake up in the middle of the night with my hair wrapped around my neck (I think that was my hair's way of telling me it was time to let it go). It's one of the best things I've ever done because it made me feel good mentally and physically and hopefully some kid going through chemo can have an awesome wig made and feel a little bit better about themselves too.

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