18 October 2010

Feeding myself

some photos from the farmer's market, unfortunately sold out of "pussy" incense

America is a strange and fabulous place. Everything on ebay is cheaper here and beer costs less but you find weird shit in the grocery store and see some pretty messed up stuff in general (eg. horribly impoverished neighborhoods the likes of which I've never experienced in Canada). But the people here are usually friendly and you can shoot a gun whenever you want so it all evens out; I will be going to a shooting range eventually and there will be many photos up in here. When I went to get my haircut a guy at the salon asked me where I was from and then continued to ask if I had shot off a gun yet and where I got my glasses from.

This past week I've been cooking and baking like crazy and I'm actually able to make dinners for myself that don't completely disgust me. I've always been a proud baker but cooking has never been my forté. In the last week I've made:
- Kale chips
- Sunchoke and potato soup
- Lavender infused gin
- Baked ziti
- English muffins (from scratch)

OK, maybe that not a ton of stuff but I have big plans to bake a pumpkin pie (not using canned pumpkin) and pickle some shiitake mushrooms. But first, the season finale of Mad Men.

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