Exhibit A: I got horribly sick from these oysters, on the plane home from Seattle...during landing
What the hell am I talking about? Here's an example: one thing I learned after moving to America was that post-dated cheques don't exist in this country. How did I find this out? My landlord deposited my January rent cheque (post-dated January 15th) on December 30th and when it bounced he refused to pay the $30 insufficient funds charge from my bank. Apparently you can date a cheque for February 38th, 2240 and if you sign it, it's legal tender in America.
Exciting, right?
Last night I sent a friend of mine an e-mail about another stupid thing that I am in the process of figuring out and she reiterated my feelings of "why the hell does this shit always happen to me?!" with her line "... your bedding story totally cracked me up. sorry about laughing, but damn that is funny. I feel like that is an only you kinda thing."
So, in the spirit of this kind of junk happening to me repeatedly with no end in sight I have decided to start posting about this kind of crap so perhaps someone can gain from my mistakes/misfortunes.
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