I am wondering your opinion on straight girls making out for attention. My friends and I get into heated debates about this not only from a feminist standpoint but from a LGBT standpoint, too. I'm on the side that unless you actually enjoying eating pussy you shouldn't pretend just to get a guy into bed. Am I being a total stick in the mud and should leave these attention seekers alone, or do I have ground to stand on?
This kind of behavior has become rampant in the past few years, and it's really kind of gross. By reducing lesbian sexuality to a cheap seduction tactic, the equivalent of tying a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue, girls who act this way are undermining the legitimacy of real queer women's relationships. Not only that, but co-opting someone else's identity because you think it will make you more interesting—when you've never had to deal with the hardships that come with actually living that identity — just makes you look selfish and shallow. Queer chicks everywhere would like straight chicks to kindly knock it off already. That is, unless you are really hot, and you want to make out with us.
from "Ask a Queer Chick" at thehairpin.com
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