"Dirty Crush" is something a co-worker of mine came up with years ago and it's premise is pretty simple. List off your dirty celebrity crushes, done. Whenever I'm in a group of ladies for an extended period of time the conversation naturally drifts towards "Dirty Crush" themed topics and I always ask for everyone's dirty crushes. A young Chevy Chase and Snoop Dogg are my two selections, for obvious reasons.
I was once working with a girl who couldn't figure out who her dirty crush was and the next day she came into work and proudly stated for us that she had realized who she's been dirty crushing on, Rob Schneider. GAME OVER.
I was once working with a girl who couldn't figure out who her dirty crush was and the next day she came into work and proudly stated for us that she had realized who she's been dirty crushing on, Rob Schneider. GAME OVER.