21 August 2009

Ireland Throw Back

After working 3 jobs all summer (2 of which I've given my notice for already!) I haven't had much of a summer vacation so there has been a lot of fond memories rolling around in my head of my trip to Ireland and Spain in May. I just stumbled upon a few things I wrote down while in Ireland that I saw and liked.

I found this toothpaste in the grocery store and was tempted to buy it based on it's fancy packaging

This was hanging in a shop on Valencia Island, more about it's creator in a bit

they love guinness in Ireland and so do the lobsters, good thing I love both

So the "Work Hard and Be Nice to People" inspired me to make my own poster but upon googling it I've found that it is actually a woodblock poster made by Anthony Burrill (you can see more from the series on his website at www.anthonyburrill.com Maybe I'm way out of the loop by just discovering this guy now but I love what he's doing.

In other news, I just got my schedule for fall classes and I have a 3 hour gap between lectures on Wednesdays. This is bad news for my wallet since Ryerson is located at Yonge and Dundas Squae (as in Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, H&M, The Eaton Centre, etc.) So I've decided that I might start a weekly post of rad things I find on Wednesdays under $40. That amount will probably go down to $20 come November when I'm exhausting my OSAP.

I'm also going to be starting my epic crochet blanket project come September, watch out!

05 August 2009

Still no computer so I'll post from work instead

Le sigh, the summer is half over and I feel like I haven't had a chance to enjoy much of it. I've been working 3 jobs in order to save up some money for school which is about a month away! I was quite anxious about going back to school but now I feel like I just can't wait to get started. So I'm quitting my jobs and I will be a free woman come September and by "free" I mean bogged down and stressed out with schoolwork.

I've been baking a little this summer as well. Our new kitchen is tiny and due to a 5 week-long garbage strike in Toronto the better part of my kitchen was occupied with bags of recycling, milk crates and moving boxes just waiting to be recycled. I can't upload pictures until I have a computer of my own but so far this summer I've made:

- a sour cherry coffee cake
- homemade butter and consequently home made buttermilk
- shortbread cookie sandwiches with home made dulce de leche
- amazing chocolate chip cookies
- blueberry crumble
- strawberry rhubarb compote
- tons of brownies, buttertarts and lemon curd at Yasi's Place where I've been working for the summer