21 October 2010

Dirty Crush

"Dirty Crush" is something a co-worker of mine came up with years ago and it's premise is pretty simple. List off your dirty celebrity crushes, done. Whenever I'm in a group of ladies for an extended period of time the conversation naturally drifts towards "Dirty Crush" themed topics and I always ask for everyone's dirty crushes. A young Chevy Chase and Snoop Dogg are my two selections, for obvious reasons.

I was once working with a girl who couldn't figure out who her dirty crush was and the next day she came into work and proudly stated for us that she had realized who she's been dirty crushing on, Rob Schneider. GAME OVER.

20 October 2010

Pure garbage

So let's talk about things that aren't fun, mostly identity theft, which is something I've been trying to sort out myself for the last 2 days. Long story short, something weird is happening and someone used my personal information to do some weird shit. All my banking stuff is safe so far and I've taken all the correct measures to ensure that everything will continue to be okay (including calling the cops...more on that in a bit) and hopefully this is the end of a relatively minor inconvenience. Right now I'm drinking some gin (which I infused with lavender flowers just to class it up) and soda just because I think I deserve it after everything I've been through today.

And now for the mean cop. Not to get into too much detail but basically something really strange happened that implies some sort of use of my identity and when I learned about it I obviously tried to get to the bottom of everything. The end result was that I should contact my banks to make sure everything was okay and call my local police department to file an incident report and so I did both. I spoke to a few really nice ladies at the police station who seemed concerned and pointed me in the right direction as far as contacting the right agencies to make sure my identity was safe. After doing so I was instructed to call them back and then speak with an officer. When said officer called me back he talked to me like I was a complete idiot and made it seem like I was wasting his time. Because this incident happened in Canada and I'm living in the States right now he had to ask his sergeant (who, he informed me for whatever reason, is a woman) if he could take my report over the phone. Apparently I was supposed to be grateful or something. Anyway, it was a frustrating half an hour and when I used the term "liability" he seemed to realize that I have a brain and stopped talking to me like a 2-year old. Maybe it's a police officer thing where they talk to everyone like idiots, but it really made me mad and it made me feel this big.

Then I cracked open the gin and everything feels a little better.

18 October 2010

Feeding myself

some photos from the farmer's market, unfortunately sold out of "pussy" incense

America is a strange and fabulous place. Everything on ebay is cheaper here and beer costs less but you find weird shit in the grocery store and see some pretty messed up stuff in general (eg. horribly impoverished neighborhoods the likes of which I've never experienced in Canada). But the people here are usually friendly and you can shoot a gun whenever you want so it all evens out; I will be going to a shooting range eventually and there will be many photos up in here. When I went to get my haircut a guy at the salon asked me where I was from and then continued to ask if I had shot off a gun yet and where I got my glasses from.

This past week I've been cooking and baking like crazy and I'm actually able to make dinners for myself that don't completely disgust me. I've always been a proud baker but cooking has never been my forté. In the last week I've made:
- Kale chips
- Sunchoke and potato soup
- Lavender infused gin
- Baked ziti
- English muffins (from scratch)

OK, maybe that not a ton of stuff but I have big plans to bake a pumpkin pie (not using canned pumpkin) and pickle some shiitake mushrooms. But first, the season finale of Mad Men.

there is so much crap on the internet

this image kind of made my day yesterday, from julia segal

17 October 2010

Donate that shit!

All through middle school, high school and for the first few years of my undergrad I had really short hair that I dyed a whole bunch of weird colours and cut by myself over the bathroom sink. After discovering free haircuts at Aveda Salon in Toronto I decided to try it out and got the worst haircut ever, seriously I had a crew cut when I walked out of there. After that I cut my hair on my own a few more times and then decided to just grow it out and see how long hair would treat me. It was almost down to my waist last week when I hacked it all off, braided it and threw it in an envelope to go to a children's charity that makes wigs for kids with cancer. Now I can put on my purse without getting my hair caught in the strap, showers take a lot less time, water and shampoo, and I don't wake up in the middle of the night with my hair wrapped around my neck (I think that was my hair's way of telling me it was time to let it go). It's one of the best things I've ever done because it made me feel good mentally and physically and hopefully some kid going through chemo can have an awesome wig made and feel a little bit better about themselves too.

16 October 2010

Finger Lakes

creepy/amazing taxidermy display


Seneca Lake

8-sided house

animal grave

this is in someone's backyard

imagine having in your backyard


03 October 2010

crappy weather + bug soup


Going out for sushi in Rochester tonight, this should be interesting. Right now I'm attempting to write a paper that is due at 4pm tomorrow but I've resorted to looking up winter coats online. I think I'm going to go with this North Face jacket although I'm not convinced it's a great choice for a winter coat.

Is blue a good idea? Should I got with good ol' black? So many questions and absolutely NO paper writing getting done! I told myself I'd buy a Canada Goose jacket this year but I think I'll have to put that purchase off until I am actually getting paid instead of living off student loans, scholarships and whatever cash I can scrape together. On that note, I posted things on my etsy again. I'm sure I mentioned this in my last post and I really need to find some more stuff to put up there. Maybe I'll hit up the antique shop tomorrow after I hand in this paper...

On to another topic of interest. I made soup last night (Thai Chicken and Vegetable Soup to be exact) it was delicious and I ate 2 bowls last night and just heated up the rest for lunch to find a whole bunch of bugs floating around in it. They must have been in my broccoli or something, even though I washed it. I tried to pick the majority of those bad boys out but I was afraid to eat more so I just ended up trashing the rest of the soup. I ate all the chicken though, can't let that stuff go to waste! Hopefully sushi tonight will have less bugs involved.

01 October 2010

the illness

There's a cold going around and I have caught it. It's Friday night and I'm sitting in front of my computer, not doing homework like I should and eating cough drops like crazy. I feel like hell/garbage. Not a good time.

It rained all day yesterday but it stopped just as the sun was setting so the sky was all pink and I caught the tail end of a rainbow. There seems to be rainbows following me around these days as I hadn't seen one in years before this summer.

America, you have nice stamps.

I also posted a few things on etsy. You can check me out at here, I will be adding things to it eventually.